Now, I'm a 71 year old Gramma and body building is not something I have considered at my age but I have recently reconsidered. A few days ago I watched Dr. Oz on TV demonstrate using cans of food as weights during exercising and it suddenly dawned on me, "I've been doing that for years", and you probably have too.
Have you ever thought about those trips to the grocery store? Every item purchased is lifted by you several times....every can (big or small), every bag (frozen or not), every box. Think about it.......
1. into your cart
2. onto the cashiers scan area
3. back into your cart (now in bigger heavier bags)
4. into your vehicle
5. into your home (ugh - load up those arms for fewer trips)
6. onto your shelves and into the fridge or freezer
And if you drop an item, count that as a deep knee bend or squat.
Wow...check out those biceps. You are weight lifting and at the very least body toning.
I'm tired just thinking about all that lifting and straining...maybe a short nap? After all I have worked out today.