Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 - The Day After

Christmas 2010 was wonderful as always. The entire family, including dates (the five grands became nine), joined us for Christmas Eve dinner and gifts. We had a houseful and a packed living room with paper flying. NO..we are definitely not a picture perfect family. We are more like Charlie Brown. And speaking of Charlie...I forgot to get a gift for Michele's Charlie and got scolded for it . Now, Charlie is an almost 1 year old steer that Michele adopted and made a pet when he was a newborn and had to be bottlefed several times a day. He is now almost grown but follows her around the yard like a puppy. Being a rather large puppy his head butts (affection) have put her on the ground more than once but she is certain he is sorry afterwards. She buys him special apple treats...a good life for a steer. I always have treats for the various dogs and kitties under the tree but somehow forgot Charlie. I guess Charlie will forgive me. Christmas morning we had brunch and following that I declared the kitchen closed for the weekend.

One thing I will do next year to make life simpler is NOT bake all that stuff and make so much candy. I thought it was so smart to lay it all out on a table in the family room and provide bags for everyone to fill and take home. I baked for a week. It is all still sitting there. Nobody filled a bag. Guess I will fill freezer bags with an assortment and stick them in the freezer to be gotten out a little at a time to send over to the elevator.

DIL Michele has declared her house a "NO Cookie Zone" and Beth and Kimberly are always on a diet (skinny girls already...could that be why?). The guys...Brad, Brian, and Kevin don't eat many sweets. I need some little ones who love sugar!

Darn and I was really in the mood to try baking some of those cool cupcakes everyone raves about and they do on Food Network. With me trying to eat in a more healthy way it's only Leon and while he loves desserts he can only eat so much. Perhaps I should watch less of the Food Network and more of, oh let's say The Biggest Loser? Why wasn't I so fascinated with this cooking and baking thing when I had kids at home or the grandkids were little? Why now that they're grown and gone? Maybe because I now have time to do other than the washing, cleaning and other chores all busy Mothers have. Sometimes it seems to me that things are turned upside down. When the kids were young and full of energy I was too busy trying to keep up with the essentials to do the extra things and now the time is there but.......

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