Monday, October 25, 2010

Time Flies

My wise grandmother always told me how time sped up as we grew older. I would smile and think to myself, "I sure wish it would hurry cause I want to be 16, or I want to go shopping this weekend, or I can't wait to be out of school for the summer."

One of the small groups I belong to writes emails to each other on a daily basis. We have an inside joke among us...."It's that day again." Yes, I have reached the speedy time of my life. Now how did that happen so fast? Do you remember that old song, Turn Around, often played at weddings? Oh how true that is. At last, time to be out of school, time to marry, time for babies, time for school again, time for grandkids, time to grow older. It seems I no more that wake than it is time to prepare for bed again and those darn Monday's roll around all too often. As a matter of fact Christmas is only two months away and it seems I just put the decorations away from last year.

If I looked at this in one way I could become depressed thinking life is rolling by as in the blink of an eye but I chose to think of it another way. Yes, the once auburn hair has many touches of gray now, the once smooth lines seems to sag a little more every year and even the bones seem to ache at times but blessings have come with those changes too. My time seems to fly because I have filled it with much...five grandkids who I have been blessed enough to have been part of their growing up years, three sons now grown and responsible men and fathers, a husband of 51 years still healthy and active, oh so many friends, and so many things I want to do that I can't find enough time. So if there is a moral to these ramblings it is to take a little of that precious time, look at what you really have, and spend it with the people who really matter.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall Nesting for this Old Bird

We've had our first frost warning out here on my corner and I think there was actually frost on the pumpkins on my front porch early this morning. With fall still in all it's splendor around me I am aware that winer is not too far down the road waiting to charge in and take control.

Cooling temps, falling leaves, and brillient colors begin the nesting instinct deep within me. Perhaps in a previous life I was a Mama bear and am now readying myself for hibernation? For some reason I feel driven this week to dive in and organize in my sewing room. Now you don't have to be a quilter to understand this but if you are a crafter of any type you will know of what I speak.

The piles have gotten too high. There is literally a path down the center of the room. Oh, if I had a camera and posted a pic you mght be shocked (unless you are a crafter and then you would chuckle). Earlier this week I opened the door to that closet from you know where looking for something and now the door remains open and I must deal with all that is inside there. First on the aganda is all those magazines I had to save cause I might want a pattern out of them? Probably not! The weight of them has bowed the closet shelf. OK pull them all out and while sitting in front of the TV go through them and pull out any patterns you might really use. The stack reached over 3 feet high. Finish a hand full or two and immediately take them to the dumpster...gone. Now for those of you who say, "Whoa, recycle"... out here on my corner in never never land we don't have recycling available. The gas I would burn taking all those magazines to the nearest town with recycle bins would negate the effort. I will sooth my conscience by remembering that we used to burn all this type of material and at least we don't do that anymore.

Wow, I now have 24 inches of closet space available for what? Maybe old newsletters that I must save from my quilt guild? Maybe for those books I absolutely won't get rid of? Maybe I can donate some of them. If I moved the stacks them off the cabinet tops I would have room to display all that Civil War fabric ( my new fav). I simply rotating stuff? No, the closet door will now shut but I will leave it open and perhaps continue this mission and get down to those 4 large tubs filled with blocks, UFOs and other essential that I saved for what reason?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Time flies....

Wow, how could these weeks have passed so quickly? What happened to August, September, and now half of October? It has been a busy time here on my corner with harvest coming so early this year. We were blessed with good weather and a plentiful harvest for the farmers but at the same time that meant long hard hours here at the elevators.

I no longer work at the office managing the scale and paperwork. My job is feeding the workers at both elevators. So my day starts the night before with planning the next days meals. Bright and early I am up frying bacon, ham, or sausage and eggs for breakfast sandwiches which are delivered across the street. Two lunches must be prepared...a full meal for the guys here who have enough help to take turns actually sitting down to a meal...and a second meal to go up north to the second elevator that requires food that can be held in the hand while they work. After the two meals are loaded in the car, I deliver across the street first and then head north.

Back home to clean up the kitchen and put away any left over food...usually little as these guys have very healthy appetites. Now the rest of the afternoon is mine to do with as I wish...well after a trip to the grocery store or other errands are run. Little quilting has been done these last months and I have missed my small groups. My dining room table is piled with crockpots and all the necessities of cooking large meals.

Now it is over and the last load of beans has been delivered here and I am getting back to my normal life. I can return to the small quilting groups, go on a fabric shopping binge, start cleaning that messy quilt room, but guess what? I miss the activity that goes with harvest. Miss the fulfillment that goes with doing a job that supports my family. At 71 it still feels good to hear someone say,"Job well done". Of course the job will be waiting for me next year and I pray I am still blessed with health and can start "work" once again.